Donnerstag, 12. September 2002

Microsoft`s Licence Agreement selbst schreiben

Found atTheRegister.

MS intros ultra-liberal 'write your own licence' scheme

When it comes to Microsoft's new-look licensing agreements it's not all downhill, apparently. The texts you have to agree to in order to install Microsoft stuff have been getting tougher, but hey, if you don't like it you can just write your own and sign that instead.

No, really! Take a look here,, where down at the bottom you will find the EULA for the Windows Driver Development Kit. Select all, then press delete.

Now, you can insert your own agreement, haiku, plea for world peace, laundry list or whatever, and then accept it. Hurry hurry hurry, before Microsoft changes its mind and abandons DiY licence agreements. You didn't want the DDK anyway? Neither did we. Never mind.


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